Self-Confidence And The Art Of Seduction

“I think I’m handsome enough. I know that I’m not as handsome as other men, but I’m more handsome than others. But I know I can enter a room a leave with someone else’s girlfriend”

This was said by a smart person…

It is undoubtedly the best sentence I ever heard… A Machiavellic sentence that reflects someone’s ENORMOUS self-confidence.

Many men do crazy things to learn how to seduce, and how to become some sort of serial dater with super powers, when they have a hole as big as an ozone layer in their personality.

How do you think you can seduce women when you’re a chicken??

2 thoughts on “Self-Confidence And The Art Of Seduction”

  1. Kamal, I’ve Been an avid reader of yours for the last week. I’ve read maybe 10 or 12 articles of yours and want to make a habit of reading your works daily! I think this article really speaks to me because of this: when I was in high school (I’m 21 now) I was what u might call an emo kid. I had long hair and tight jeans with lip piercings and tattoos. Nobody else in my school had the balls to wear tight jeans and Rock my style so I was at an all time confidence high!! I had any girl I wanted, as a matter if fact I was 16 dating a 22 year old woman! I’ve noticed that since I’ve gotten older I’ve been burned by girls and since changed my style out of fear of what others may think. I have no self confidence and it shows. I realise now that when I was CONFIDENT in whatever style I had I was successful! I will continue to read and make your writings my mantras. Thanks kamal

  2. Pingback: Three tips that will help you understand women better

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