How to avoid the friend zone and never fall on it again

FriendsSince my email box has been flooded by the same questions, and given that the demand for Net Coaching often revolves around the same topic, I recently decided to tackle a very important issue for seducers: The Friend Zone.

But here there will be a slight change in tactic, and here we will talk about how to leave a female’s FRIEND ZONE.
Before getting started, let me introduce you to a classical scenario…

You meet a girl. She gives you a good impression. You become friends. You start hanging out with each other, making plans together, more and more often. You start feeling a little something for her. You want to move on to the next level in your relationship.

But you’re WORRIED that you may spoil everything. Time goes by. You are still FRIENDS. You have a very good time every time you are together. FINALLY, you decide to be courageous and to confess your feelings. She will use the famous expression:

“oh that so cuuuuuuuuute, but let’s remain friends…”

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